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Philippines vacation with a Dominant Big Cock Ladyboy (Part II)

“I don’t take hormones because I hated the way they make me feel. I have a high sex drive and I haven’t been with anyone for more than for over two years and I can tell that I will be hard all week around you. I broke up with my ex two years ago and he was 30 years older than me and drank a lot …plus he wasn’t very open minded in bed. I was his bottom always and I want to do it the other way this time 50-50.” We spent the next perhaps 30 minutes probing each other with quite personal questions about her life as a child and growing up as a gender she didn’t feel compatible with. She also disclosed a rather odd (to me) aspect of her culture – circumcision. She explained to me the reason she had asked me to close my eyes the first time she had put her cock in my mouth was because she was uncircumcised and didn’t want me to see that or think bad of her because of it. She had pulled the skin back so I wouldn’t see it. I was like, “Wow this is very odd for me – do you really think I would not want to be with you for something so trivial? – That’s like so not a big deal to me, don’t mention it again plus I am not cut myself so no big deal.” I put my fingers up against her lips in a manner to show her not to speak about that again and she smiled.

She in turn asked me about my first experience and how I had gotten to a point in life where I was more attracted to trans women than natural women. She paid close attention to me and really was a great listener. Out of respect for her, I won’t disclose any further details. Let’s just say that we developed a very thorough understanding of each other both sexually and emotionally during this talk and I think it helped us both understand each other better. We also discussed and made a mutual decision that we would not be using condoms while we were together since we had both gotten tested and had proven to each other that we were both safe. We were both completely comfortable with our decision too. Again, if you haven’t read the first story, there are details there that help explain why we made this decision.

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