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Jamie is taken Part 1

Jamie loved his job. Not only did he enjoy the job itself, but

it also provided him with outstanding opportunities when it came to

getting laid. Jamie was 21 years old and had moved to the city eighteen

months before. Not long after he had gotten the job, working as a sales

clerk and tailor's assistant at "Huber & Worthington", which was beyond

a shadow of a doubt the most exclusive tailor in town. The "standard"

rack suits were all made by exclusive designers and the custom made

suits routinely cost a small fortune. Jamie was one of four sales clerks

all chosen for their manners, taste in clothes and good looks. They were

all young men and all impeccably dressed.

Jamie had moved away from the suburbs he had grown up in and moved to

the city were he could finally jump out of the closet. Being openly gay

in his hometown would have been difficult, but in the city few cared.

Working at such an exclusive store provided him with the perfect

opportunity to meet the kind of man he personally favored; the

distinguished and often outrageously wealthy middle-aged man. Flirting

with the customers in a manner so discrete that only men who were

looking for a bit of action picked it up had become his specialty.

Smiling just so while discretely touching the customer in the right

place as he measured his chest or thigh had gotten him laid countless

times. Once he had even managed to get a date with customer while the

customer's wife sat three feet away watching her husband getting

measured for a new suit.

Jamie was a slight young man with small, delicate features as well as

small, but well proportioned hands and feet. He stood five feet five

inches in his shoes and had black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin and

an exceedingly fine complexion.

Jamie had a thing for men that were older than himself and who were in

control. Going down on a man who radiated power or being taken from

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